Friday, June 28, 2013

Emotional Hunger

A word ‘emotion’ is generally associated with ‘women’. Despite the fact that every human being  needs emotional support, most men around us think that ‘being emotional part of life’ is only for the women around them. To feel pleased, appreciated, cared, encouraged and loved is needed by every human; man or woman. These are not the feelings that any individual creates in them. These feelings are created by Almighty to keep the people connected, dependent on and linked to each other.

The world without emotions can’t be imagined. We are emotionally attached to the Almighty, who rules the world. We are emotionally attached to our families, friends, loved ones, pets and many things around us. Being emotional has nothing to do with the gender. It’s only the way of expressing that differs. Most men are not able to express the way women can. They are more stable and strong in handling the situations than women. Women are blessed in being able to express openly. And that may be the reason women are blessed to be mothers. 

''There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about though encouragement from someone else. I don’t care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause” A saying by George M. Adams.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Escaping in the new world

Travelling is the most amazing activity one can do. Not just looking at the fun part, travelling is all about exploring, learning, widening our perspectives and creating beautiful memories. It makes us more responsible, confident and resourceful. We meet unexpected people and make unexpected friends in every journey we travel.

The beauty of new places makes us realize that God is an ultimate creator. Every place is made so unique and special. People of every region are so different with their own qualities.

We  learn to compromise with our needs when we travel, we learn to adjust with the circumstances which we may not be easily able to do otherwise. Travelling is escaping from our routine lives to the new different world to create life long memories. Every picture when looked later, every event when rethought; makes us feel so nostalgic but the memories always stay fresh and alive.

Keep Travelling and cherish memories forever!  :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

In the search of yourself

Sometimes it takes real long to search yourself even though you live in a small nut shell. Either you get too lost in the things around you or you never try to search the beauty you have within yourself until you have that ‘special meeting’ with the God. All the wonderful creations around you looks blur because you had that one unusual incident/ experience. That unusual experience makes life so traumatic that everything seems blue. In this battle of life you hardly remember  that you also had some colours in your life. You forget that you had that amazing person within yourself who was much more lively and fantastic before that ‘one bad experience’.

At some point in life every human being experiences such downfall and some takes real long to recover. Sometimes one can’t even find a way to overcome such situations. If one sits calmly and thinks over it, the solution is too simple. Getting closer to God and putting your trust in him more than the worldly things that has and will shatter you anytime will solve most of your disturbing and distressing situation.